Sweeten Your Drinks the Right—And Healthy—Way

Sweeten Your Drinks the Right—And Healthy—Way

Do you ever make your favorite drink, such as a lemonade or tea, or a tasty sweet treat, and it’s just not sweet enough for your taste? Or, maybe you’re at a restaurant in need of that added sweetness, so you glance over at the container of sugar packets on the table, hoping that pouring an entire packet of sugar will satisfy your need for sweetness. But before you grab a packet, pause and think about what you’re actually putting in your body—much more sugar than you need and more sugar than what is good for you. 

The saying “sugar is bad for you” has circulated through health and wellness conversations for decades, but why do medical professionals keep saying this same thing?  

Your heart.  

Consuming too much sugar throughout your life can have drastic effects on your heart health, as well as on your mood, weight, and blood sugar. It’s so important to take care of your body starting now by watching your sugar intake in order to have a decreased risk of heart disease later in life. 

A typical packet of sugar you can find on the tables of restaurants contains around 2-4 grams of sugar. For comparison, the American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams of added sugar a day for women, while no more than 36 grams of sugar is recommended for men. Adding extra sugar to an already sugary drink or treat can do more harm to your body than it’s worth to simply satisfy your sweet tooth. 

However, this doesn’t mean completely rejecting these sugar packets or any form of sweetness—maybe you just need a better, healthier, and tasty option to sweeten your drinks. This is where SweetLeaf comes in to help you live a healthier lifestyle. 

SweetLeaf’s Stevia and Monk Fruit Sugar Packets—The Perfect Sugar Alternative 

If you’re looking to sweeten up your drinks or treats while on a diet or simply trying to cut back your sugar consumption, SweetLeaf’s stevia and monk fruit packets may be just what you’re looking for. These are sugar-free drink packets that are perfect for whenever you need a healthy sweetener to take with you on-the-go. 

SweetLeaf’s monk fruit packets are completely sugar-free, gluten-free, and keto friendly, perfect for sweetening your favorite drinks or sprinkling on top of any treats that need just a little bit more sweetness. Monk fruit is 300 times sweeter than sugar, meaning just a small amount is needed to achieve the perfect level of sweetness. It is also all natural and plant-based, has zero calories, decreases your risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and won’t spike your glycemic index, keeping your blood sugar levels just where they need to be. 

SweetLeaf’s stevia packets and organic packets contain the same great qualities mentioned above—all-natural, sugar-free, and helpful when trying to decrease your risk of heart disease. This sweetener is made from raw stevia leaves, which are highly nutritious and 30 times sweeter than sugar, turned into a fine granulated powder.  

Both types of packets offer the same healthy benefits for your diet—it simply depends on which sweetener works best for you and tastes the best to you.  

For an example on how to perfect your lemonade using SweetLeaf’s healthy sugar alternative packets, try out this recipe: 


  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice (about 6 lemons) 
  • 6 cups of cold water 
  • Ice cubes 
  • Lemon for garnish 


  1. Combine water, lemon juice and stevia in a pitcher. Stir until well blended.  
  1. Pour into ice-filled glasses, garnish with lemon slices and serve. 
  1. Enjoy! 

For more tips on how to enhance your lemonade with SweetLeaf’s sugar-free drink packets, check out SweetLeaf’s tips! 

How about making the perfect sweet tea with just the right amount of sweetener? Check out this southern-style sweet tea recipe using organic stevia packets. 


  • Black tea 
  • 2 quarts water 
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